Chocolate Lemon Cream

by Si-Ya Ray

When first beginning my low carb journey I feared the fats.

My brain was told low fat was the healthy choice and I should eat veggies low in calories with sides of fries I would dip into loaded potatoes. Sometimes I would put those bites on crackers. Carb loaded carbs I crunched into my soul.

I never enjoyed milk.

People kept pouring milk into my body, but it was never accepted into the tasty foods category of my nutrient centers. Milk went straight down the rejection digestion hole. It tasted like flavored water with some texture swirled in. Ick. I ate cereal dry except for frosted flakes.  Those would get milk poured on their tops and then I’d eat the flakes out, pour another crunchy sweet bowl, eat the flakes again, and then drink the finally delicious flavored milk. Chocolate could also work to make it nommy. Basically, I enjoyed the flavors put into the milk and then the texture enough to enjoy milk. Chocolate raspberry milk anyone?

Don’t worry. I’ll make a healthy swirl of that mind deliciousgasm soon.

My parents tended to get the low fat foods because they were told it was the healthy way to raise wee children. All I liked was cottage cheese in the low fat regard, or some yogurts with berries mixed in. I needed flavors to get trapped within.

What the low fat tycoons do is suck out the fat from foods and add sugar.

The low fat movement would have never survived if they just sucked out the fat because it tastes horrid. They added sugar and addicted America. Woo. If you do not believe such words try going off of sugar for a week and feel the withdrawals.

Your body craves fat as a nutrient source. To get control back of your body and mind this has to be accepted.

Once your body knows fats it will mouthbliss out on them. The body knows what it needs, but if you keep putting odd things in it will adapt. The human body is incredible like that. You will crave what you’ve been putting inside yourself because that is what your body knows.

Time to retrain your mind and body into blissing food connections.

Here. I even made a song for you about it. I promise no viruses. I’m just taking you to Soundcloud.

Heavily Creamed Lemon Treat Ingredients

The Recipe of Blissgasming Cream:

I drank heavy cream straight for a while before wanting to bliss it up. The fat became incredible to my body and mind to where it soaked me in mouthgasms at the slightest creamy touch. Eventually I wanted to lace it with more drenched soaking moments. I squeezed in lemon juice and shaved some dark chocolate on top. I did this for weeks and one time I added too much lemon juice and decided to mouthbliss it into me anyways.

Oh my. It hardened into creamed fluff. I know that sounds contradicting but that is how incredible this treat is.

It is blissschaos being held.

Mouthblisses Needed:

     3/4 Cup Heavy Cream (organic or if you’re lucky grassfed. Supernatural is my favored brand for all things cow cream)

    Half the Squeezed Juices of  a Lemon. Get this thing to avoid seeds.

    90% Chocolates Bar, about a tablespoon but up to your desires.

To Create Mindbliss:

   1.  Squeeze the Lemon’s Juice into the Cream

   2.  Let sit for a Minute for the Lemon to Soak and harden the Cream

  3.  Shave or Chop Chocolate and Dress

  4.  Feel with Taste the Mouthgasms.

Heavily Creamed Lemon Treat

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Low Carb and Paleo Hangover Smoothie | Mind Lifting Mouthgasms September 7, 2015 - 3:32 pm

[…] products. Although I consume 30 or less carbs a day I get 90% of my energy from fats. I used to drink heavy cream straight, such as in the heavy cream treat. Lately I’ve gone dairy free though since it feels […]


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