American Sushi

by Si-Ya Ray
American Sushi Stage One

Apparently Americans struggle with many deficiencies. Most of these deficiencies can be made up for with organ meat (om nom noms), but for some we can not stay above ground. The ocean now holds nutrients that we supposedly need to function. As a human in the desert of Lubbock I avoid fish in order to not die. I’m also deeply afraid of the ocean ever since Jaws and Finding Nemo (they do not prepare kids for that deep water scene) so I can’t go self diving for it.

One thing I can trust here is seaweed. The nommy green sheets comes in cute little packages that look like Japan blissing out on us. Oh the mutual love bubbles of food exchange. Japan even innovated food bubbles to not pop. You can Google it. It isn’t true but you can still Google it.

Instead of trying to do anything more than meat, cheese and seaweed I’ve just added meat and cheese to seaweed. The creativity comes in adding different spices to your pieces. You could also party platter this and I’m sure laughs would come into your ears. You could even label it healthy.

Seaweed is deliciously salty, crunchy, and the perfect mini pallet for tiny sandwich like noms. Paprika lends and earthy note while even Italian spice will work in your favor. This recipe can lend variety after a long day with only three minutes of preperation.


Sushi Nori Seaweed Sheets

Slices of Cheese

Slices of Turkey or Ham

Dash of Spices:

Paprika, Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, 21 Seasoning


Combine the Ingredients

American Sushi

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