Simple Baked Eggs and Broccoli

by Si-Ya Ray
whole30 baked egg snack

Oh the beautiful beautiful egg. Somehow even it was demonized in the so-called health movement of America. We tossed it in the trash we did. Just the yellow though, we kept the white. Sigh. We are so racist.

Eggs hold a vital nutrient for your sprog. B12 is essential for brain functioning and boosts cognition as well as memory. We want as many of these things inside us as possible.

Now broccoli is another gorgeous story for our bodies and minds. Have you heard about the recent scare of not getting enough vitamin D in our days? Apparently, we are not out in the sun enough. This deficiency can lead to depression.

On the days I felt moped out I would just go sit clothless in the sun and soak it in. After about thirty minutes there was definitely more sprite to my thoughts. Broccoli is soaked in vitamin D and completely ready for you. In a super simple recipe no less. If you have a mini casserole dish.

First of all, you’ll need to bake some eggs. If you go ahead and bake twelve as well as get a large hunk of broccoli you can have lunch for a week. Your body gets to learn and adapt to those nutrients to the point they will taste like creamy crunchy heaven. That’s what happened for me at least.

Baking eggs might sound new to you. Alton Brown lays it all out for you and I have the link ready for you in the recipe below. It makes a creamy egg and you can cook so many at once. It’s the only method I use now.

Egg Bake



Baked or Boiled Egg (learn how to bake eggs here)

Dashes of Paprika

Dashes of Salt


Set over to 300 degrees.

Put the above ingredients in a mini casserole dish.

Put the casserole dish in the oven once it has heated.

Let set in the oven for fifteen minutes.

Eventually, vary up the spices to your mind’s possibilities and let me know your favorites =)


Calories: 119.2g, Total Fat: 5.5g, Total Carb: 10, Net Carbs: 5.4

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